Mr. Markus Mettälä is a Senior Adviser at Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. In his work, he is involved in different research and developments projects of new technologies especially 5G and its utilization in different sectors of the society, such as transport, cities and industry. The work includes supporting innovation and trials bridging the needs of different verticals and the development work in spectrum management and regulation. He also coordinates a development and foresight team that looks into new technologies and phenomenon and their impact on future digital society. During 2016-2017 he worked as a Head of Fixed Radio Communication Networks unit at Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (today Traficom). He received M.Sc.EE from Tampere University of Technology, Finland, in 2009. |
Topias Uotila is currently the Chief Executive Office of Goodmill Systems Ltd. A company based in Helsinki, Finland specializing in multichannel router solutions for mobile use cases especially for public safety authorities, emergency vehicles, and autonomous and remotely piloted machinery. He joined the CEO role in 2020 from the board of the company, where he served for two years. Prior to his current role, he was working in business leadership roles in several IT services companies. He has also had similar roles in companies operating in marketing and logistics services and board memberships in companies in the energy and telecom space. Topias has a master’s degree from the Helsinki University of Technology and has been trained as a reservist comms officer for the Finnish Defense Forces with the current rank of Captain. In 2020 he founded a quantum technology services company and is currently leading it. |
Prof. Dr. Zivko Bojovic is an Associated Professor at the Department of Telecommunications and Signal Processing, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Prof. Bojovic graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Prishtina, Department of Electronics with Telecommunications, in 1992. He passed the postgraduate exams at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade in 2000. He received his Ph.D. with a doctoral dissertation: “Testing the quality of service in a live IP MPLS network” at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad (2011). In the period from 1992 to 1994, he worked as the main organizer of the information system of the BK Group. He worked as an engineer and manager in the telecommunications company “Telekom Srbija” from January 1995 to December 2014. He became an Assistant professor at the Department of Telecommunications and Signal Processing in January 2015 and an Associate professor in January 2020. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the Serbian Chamber of Engineers. |
Vincent Audebert received his Engineer degree from Telecom ParisTech, France, in 1991. For more than 28 years he is working in the EDF Group were he hold different positions inside R&D, Electricity Distribution Division, Telecomunication using BPL subsidiary and Energy services subsidiary. Since 2011, he is back in the R&D where his main concern is to apply 5G and Internet of Things technologies to Utility business. He is the EDF representative at the LoRa Alliance, 3GPP and EUTC. He is co-author of 3 patents and received the EPRI technology transfer award in 2015. |